Upcoming concert: Bach St Luke Passion 9 April 2022

Type of post: Choir news item
Sub-type: No sub-type
Posted By: Bryony Pillath
Status: Current
Date Posted: Fri, 4 Mar 2022
Rehearsals are well underway for our next concert on Saturday 9 April! We will be singing the Bach St Luke Passion accompanied by professional orchestra and soloists.

This piece has historically been attributed to Bach as a copy of part of the score exists in his handwriting, but it is now thought not to have been composed by him although he is known to have performed it at least twice. Like Bach's St John Passion and St Matthew Passion, the piece follows the story of the passion of Christ using a combination of hymn like chorals, dramatic choruses and solo pieces representing the different characters in the story.

Don't miss your chance to hear this rarely performed piece and find out for yourself!